Truth About RFIDs | Z Hostel
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Truth About RFIDs


If you haven’t come across them before, RFIDs or Radio-frequency identifications are becoming more and more popular.

So what exactly are RFIDs? And what exactly are they for?


Well, in this article, you’ll find out exactly what these are and how they can be of use. Places like Z Hostel have been using this kind of technology for their transactions as opposed to pulling out cash every time you go to the bar to buy a beer. So with that, it’s only right that you get exactly how these tags work and their benefits.


RFIDS are electronic tags that store and transfer data. Think of them as prepaid cards that you can top up and use to make a purchase with just as you would swipe any debit or credit card you have.

The only difference between RFIDs and your cards are that these tags can only be used within a specific purpose or establishment.

Take the RFIDs that Z Hostel have available, you can buy your personal tag for only Php 50.00 and top it up with a minimum amount of P150 and will be good for 90 days (non refundable). However, the money that you put into these tags are only valid for transactions within the hostel.

What happens to the money left over? Well, don’t worry! You can check your balance with any of the staff members and keep the money left for another day. Remember, these tags are valid for 90 days, and that goes for the money you top-up in it.


Not only are RFIDs easier to use when having a few drinks in places like our Z Roof deck, but also these tags give you the benefit of not having to carry any cash with you when you go enjoy all the facilities that the establishment or event that provides them. It also makes the transaction much faster.

Also, with these tags (that usually come conveniently as bracelets) you can get an update of what your current balance is after every transaction.

So there you have it! Your basic info on what exactly are RFIDs and how they can be of use to you. You don’t have to worry about losing any of your cash at hand or having to count how much your credit is. With the use of this incredible technology, you’ll not only have the piece of mind about your cash, but also a hassle free time by just having to swipe your wristband to buy a drink!

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