The Lenten season is observed by most Filipinos as this is a predominantly Catholic country. It starts off with Ash Wednesday and people flock to church to have a priest who uses ashes to place a cross in the middle of their forehead.
Holy Week should ideally be observed the whole week, as it was in the olden days but nowadays, the days the devotees may do their acts of worship are Thursday to Sunday.
Maundy Thursday is the day where a good Catholic must visit 7 churches. On Black Friday, one must visit a church. On this day, the cross is covered with a black piece of cloth that signifies how Jesus died. The cloth remains on the cross until Easter Sunday which is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus.
It is typical of the Filipino family to take advantage of the long break to spend time together going out of town to places like the beach as it is summer and the end of the school year.
One thing to note about Black Friday is that travelling is not encouraged and on this day, nearly all forms of transportation and even establishments stop operation. The observance of Black Friday is that of fasting and abstinence. That means that one should eat just a little and not partake of meat. Black Friday is a time for mourning in remembrance of how Jesus died on the cross.